Monday, January 4, 2016

It's the final countdown!!!

A drummer in short shorts and several men with perms is not what I was expecting when I opened the official music video to the song that has been going through my head over the last few days. Oh 1980's... what were you thinking?! LOL.

Even so, I've been humming away "It's the final countdown!!!" because here we are in January. And January means fresh start, new opportunities AND baby time! AH! Exciting... and very scary. However, since it's fun looking forward to life-altering events, apparently, we're using our Christmas advent calendars for "the final countdooooown."

Robersy hasn't been good at advent calendars since we started dating (could be because he didn't know they existed before hand...) so I'm still in the process of teaching him, by eating his chocolates until he notices. Of course, I am a beast on my own countdown.

I just get excited looking forward to things ahead.

Still, looking back is fun too!

I can hardly believe that 2015 is already behind us. 

Over the past few weeks I've looked back at previous blogs from this year. 

I get teared up reading about the women who have come in to our path. We've seen their struggles and challenges. Heartache and growth. One particular woman I shared about last May when we "cheered" with our honey bottles has gone through a tough time as, several months later, her daughter jumped off a balcony in a fit of rage. Thankfully the teen survived... but she may never be the same physically or mentally. P confesses that she finally understands the value of life and death, but is still torn about making a decision for Christ.

Thinking about the kid that fell out the truck, my trip to Santiago, being chased by a crazy person, falling on the beach, camp, saying "Hello!" to new friends and saying "See you later!" to others... it has been a memorable year.

Things from this past year often teach us, impact us and encourage us for all to come in the new year.
For example, yesterday I was able to chat with an intern that is back to serve with SCORE. She says the reason that she came back was based on the impact that a teen from Lily House had on her life last summer! Wow! Impact made and new opportunities are here!

During the church service on Sunday Robersy did an amazing job allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through him. My heart was moved by the message from Colossians, but one point in particular that he made has really urged me to think. 

After singing "God of this City" Robersy made this point. "God IS doing great things in this city! But my question to you is, are you are willing and prepared to be a part of His great plan?"

I think we'd all say... YES! I am willing to be a part of His plan!!! 

But what if that plan involved tears and heartache and failure to bring us closer to Himself?
Still willing?

And preparation? Am I truly PREPARED? Am I spending time in His Word and on my knees seeking a closer walk with Him?

I know that is my prayer for this year. That day by day my heart might grow to be more like HIS. That I might crave Him and seek Him and that others might be drawn to Him through my life and testimony.

Allow the challenges of last year to urge you to press on in 2016. Didn't finish that Bible reading plan? Slacked in church attendance? Feeling a little distant from your Savior?

Today is a new day.
New year.
Fresh start.

And believe me, each minute is one minute closer to Christ's return so we can all sing together "It's the final countdooooown!"

1 comment:

  1. I will be thinking of you and sending prayers for a safe delivery of that beautiful baby!!!
