Monday, May 18, 2015

"Cheers" to hope with a honey bottle and a step towards change

"Each week is different. We never know what to expect. We just pray that the Lord will guide us and at the end of the night we expect it will goes as HE sees fit."

This is the warning I give most newbies as we head out to ministry on Thursday nights. Every week is different. Some are quiet and somewhat uneventful. Others are... well... worth writing home about.

Thursday was one of those nights.

Minutes after this warning we got a phone call that changed the course of the night completely. My 2 ministry partners that were on their way with Robersy literally had to jump out of our truck and jump on to a bus to head back to a situation. I contemplated sending the 2 other ladies with them.

As confident as some think I am, I freak out sharing the Gospel! (I know, I know! Sarah you are a missionary!!! That is your job!) lol. I know! but have you ever thought about what a serious message it is... And to add, sharing it in another language! What if I mess it up?! I love having my Dominican and Haitian sidekicks because they always correct me if I say something stupid! Lol.

So along with my Swedish and Dutch partners for the night we stopped on the sidewalk before we reached the first strip club and begged Jesus to take the wheel :)

We had some great conversations with several girls who were "waiting for a friend" in the park. We prayed with a regular who had lost her grandma and praised the Lord for the many clubs and bars that had shut down. "Saul" didn't even budge when we handed a tract to the young lady in front of his club.

As we neared the end of the street we saw a young lady standing at a Banca (where they sell lottery tickets, etc.) speaking with the lady working inside.

"Hola! My name is Sarah and I just wanted to give you a tract to..."

"Hey, i know you!"

"Probably... I'm around Boca Chica a bit."

"No, you invited me to a retreat the other week. How did it go?"

"It didn't"

"Is this is a church thing?"

"Um... Kind of!"

"How come she is wearing pants? If i go to your church may I wear pants?"


Laughing... "Can I wear a bikini to your church?"

"Suuuuure! And I'll bring you a blanket to wrap you up like a taco!" Lol.

"I like you already... Tell me about Jesus."

Moments later we were sitting on a couch in her home with her 14yr old and 9 year old daughter listening to her heart-breaking story filled with sexual abuse, attempting to leave the country, attempting to end her life, etc. etc. Which began her life of prostitution at age 14.

God opened the door to share Christ which of course led to sharing about the Lily House ministry.

"Through my work... I have every thing I have ever wanted. I don't need your money or fancy things. My girls and I need love."

"Perfect. Because that is exactly who Christ is.

As we turned to leave she handed me a bottle of honey as a token of her thanks. With her own bottle we "cheered" (tapped our bottles together) to hope and a chance to change.

Since this is HER story I don't feel a peace to share more than what she has allowed me to share with others in order to pray. But please be on your knees for P and her daughters. She is desperate to end this lifestyle. She is begging for our help. What she doesn't know is only HE can break those chains!

God is moving in Boca Chica friends!

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