Wednesday, March 23, 2016



You've either yelled it at someone or heard it yelled at you.

But yesterday, I wanted to do it myself. 

Getting lost sounded good. 

On Monday I had gone to McDonald's with a friend and ended up in the bathroom for the rest of the afternoon. So it was only a matter of time before my breast-fed baby started feeling it too :( Poor thing was fussy and needy all Tuesday morning. Goodness me! I thought McDonald's was a good idea. No dairy. No creamy, cheesy lasagna! WRONG! 

Adios McDonald's.

So when Robersy called to say he was on his way home around 1:45pm it was only then that I had realized I hadn't eaten all day. Had my decaf coffee in the morning with a side of NOTHING before Josiah began his rough morning.

Then he said, "I've got 7 boys with me."

"Well, tell them not to expect a pretty Sarah!" 

I stared in the mirror. Hadn't showered, brushed my hair or even gotten completely dressed yet. Even had to think HARD to remember if I had brushed my teeth. Don't judge me. 

"Oh and Robersy, when you get here I want to take the dogs for a walk. A loooong, loooooooooong walk." 

"Um. Ok?!"

And that's what I did. Exercise is my outlet and since I haven't started running yet, I just needed to get lost. By that time Josiah was asleep. Perfect timing. So I walked... and walked... and walked. Poor dogs were huffing and puffing when we got back. But I wasn't :) 

While I was walking I was reminded of how we're called to "get lost." When we're stressed, overwhelmed, burdened... and even when we're not... we can get lost in Him. 

I remember a song I use to blast on my disc-man :) Don't you dare ask me what that is!!! Anyways... Sonicflood has a song called, "Carried Away."

The chorus says, "I wanna get carried away
I wanna get tossed by Your waves
I don't care where or how deep
I'm gonna jump in with both feet."

I know I'm taking the song a little out of context... but there are verses that carry the same message of getting lost in Him, running to Him, finding shelter in Him. It's beautiful. Even more so as we celebrate Christ's resurrection this week!

Running to Him means that we experience the love He demonstrated when He died on the cross to save us from our sins that destroy us... AND the the hope and peace proclaimed when He rose again!

If you don't know Him, you're missing out!!!

Unfortunately here in the Dominican there are a LOT of people missing out. This celebration of Holy Week (Semana Santa) has been turned into a whole lot of partying and drunkenness! 

You may think I'm exaggerating but one of the teens said to me, "This week is so crazy that the question isn't IF someone is going to get killed (in a car/motorcycle accident, fight, drowning at the beach etc.) it's... WHO is it going to be?"

So if you think of it, pray for us this week. Safety for our teens, Robersy's baseball team, and the women that we work with. Sad to see how Satan can turn the most glorious time of the year in to one of the most dangerous weeks here in the Dominican!

Prayers also appreciated for 4PM this afternoon as we meet with another young lady from the streets. God is stirring hearts... but we pray that these girls will take the next step of leaving the streets and putting their trust in Him not only for Salvation, but to provide for their family in a way that doesn't dishonor their bodies.

ALSO, because of how crazy this week gets, we're heading out to the streets TONIGHT instead of tomorrow. Asking God for His protection and guidance to the girls He'd have us to meet.

Alright. This took me all morning to write with 2 feedings, 3 diaper changes, cuddle time, play time (he played on his Gymini play-mat thingy maggigy while I got dressed) and 2 naps. Oh and I ate a hot dog! Today is looking up already :)

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