Monday, March 14, 2016



That's what I got to do today! 


I slept in, took my time getting up, then fell asleep again (so did Josiah...),

...spent some time in prayer with my hubby, put my bathing suit on and laid beside a pool with a friend and her family.

This is the life!!! And it is exactly what we needed after a busy week.

Our busy week began with a trip to Santo Domingo with Faith Christian School. This group is amazing. Each year this school brings down their Senior class and they work their butts off ministering to the Dominican people.

Remember the group that led youth group last week? That was them. And it was a joy to visit some historical sites with them on Monday as well as pass out tracts in a very busy tourist area. 

On Tuesday Robersy's team played against a visiting mission team. Both the Dominican team and American team had a blast even though the Americans beat our boys, "just by a little," Robersy says :) Either way, they had a blast!

Here are some photos...

On Wednesday I was able to go and translate for a team at the Lily House. It was nice to see the girls (I miss them a LOT since I've not been there very often these days) and was blessed by the testimony from one of the ladies on the team. I loooove celebrating how God changes lives. 

Thursday was filled with baseball for Robersy and due to a fussy baby I wasn't able to hit the streets in the evening. However, so thankful for a visiting team that still went out since I received a call from a girl they met the next day! 

We plan to meet with her TOMORROW at 11AM so please be praying for that meeting!

Friday is where the title "blood" comes into play.

On Friday Robersy and I took advantage of a slow day to see his family in Bani. We got up early and ready for the loooooong drive out to the village where he grew up. I always love visiting his family but I was extra excited since the family would be meeting Josiah for the first time! 

When we arrived Robersy's mom was THRILLED to snatch her little grandson away for lots and LOTS of cuddles. She shouted (literally... out of the front door! lol) to the rest of the family to come and see him. Everyone crowded the house to see this little bundle.

As I sat there watching the family "oooo" and "ahhhh" over our son, it hit me. 

This was their blood.

I hadn't thought of it before. I know we're family by marriage. But, no matter how long I am part of this family, I will never be related by blood.

But Josiah...

Josiah is literally related by blood. 

Marilin is his grandmother, by blood.

Fabio is his great-grandfather, by blood! 

These are his cousins and aunts and uncles... by blood. 

There is NOTHING I can do to take him away from this family. 

If, God forbid, Robersy passed into eternity tomorrow... it wouldn't change the fact that this is Josiah's blood!!!

On the drive home I was moved to tears just thinking about it. Blame it on the hormones if you will, but it is one of the most beautiful things to dwell on. 

Reminds me of a family I was adopted in to when I was 8 years old. Oh sure, I was born a Ward. I bleed precious Bermudian, Scottish, English and Portuguese blood! 

But when I was 8 years old I became a member of a bigger family. One where I was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. 

I became a member of the family of God.

And when I joined this family there was nothing... NOTHING... that could remove me. 

In fact Romans 8 states that, "death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

It should move us to tears.

That we were fought for... sacrificed for... loved so much... that nothing, NOTHING, can take our family status in Christ away.

Friend, if you don't know Him... come to know Him today. And if you do know Him, thank God for this precious gift that we can dwell on for eternity!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome Sarah! It was so good to see you and your family last week during our FCS visit!
    Patty Cox
