Monday, March 7, 2016

Creamy, Cheesy, Chicken Lasagna

I am a selfish person.

There I said it.

I had no idea!!! Even when I got married I think we both equally gave a little and neither one of us had any major problems of needing the world to revolve around them.

Saying that, I have always gone where I've wanted to go... done what I've wanted to do... eaten what I've wanted to eat... etc. etc.

Until a few weeks ago.

I started to realize that the things I was eating was affecting Josiah. Poor little thing has a sensitive tummy and everything I consumed determined whether it would be a great night or a bad night.

So I cut out dairy (like all the books say to do... not that I read the books. What new mother has all this time and energy to read?! Thankfully I have friends that have read the books, LOL!).

I noticed a change and there seemed to be a big change. He was sleeping, eating and burping like a champ.

Then selfish Sarah slipped in.

After a fantastic youth church service (I'll tell you about that in a second) where a friend even looked after Josiah so I wouldn't even have to slip out if he was fussy, we went over to SCORE to grab something for lunch before Robersy and the teens went with Pastor Nate to another church that he pastors in a village called Los Fundos.

I was starving! I had eaten a cookie for breakfast and after breast feeding and pumping several times through the day and night it obviously hadn't filled me up. I was hungry!!!

So I made a decision. A horrible awful decision that affected not only Josiah, but Robersy and myself as well :(

Creamy, Cheesy, Chicken Lasagna.

Boy, it was GOOD!!! For a split second I DID think about it... but I just needed something in my belly. I was selfish.

I now understand why Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. He may not have been feeding a baby, but I assume he was working hard... hunger caused him to make a bad decision. My decision was just as stupid!

Well I had a LOT of time to think about that decision last night.

From 1:28am until 4:43am to be exact.

The lasagna may have been delicious to me, but Josiah's poor little belly couldn't process it and we ALL suffered because of it. Josiah was up, Robersy was up and I was up. All because of my decision.

In regards to ministry, it's been a great week! Robersy had baseball and discipleship most days and on Friday, thanks to the best babysitter ever (seriously!!! She puts Josiah to sleep in no time!) I was able to attend youth group again. We had a group from Faith Christian School come to do the games, music and message. It was a fantastic night!!! They did a great job! Here are some pics.

Then on Sunday our youth took over the service at our church in Juan Dolio. They did SUCH a great job! One of the youngest (and smallest) kids on Robersy's team welcomed everyone to the service and from there each young person involved with music or testimonies did an amazing job! I was so proud of them!!! (photos to come)

Robersy then delivered the message called "WAKE UP YOUTH! God wants to use you!" It was great and encouraged me (even though I'm 30yrs old) to do something great for the glory of God!

However it was one part in particular that gripped my heart. Robersy had all the newest Christians in the youth group to stand up. He reminded them of the difficulties that the Bible promises we'll encounter, but then he urged them to make a difference.

"There is always someone younger than you that you can impact for the Lord."

Reflecting over the message and my yummy, but bad, lunch choice reminds me once again...

Our choices effect others.
They really do!!!

Like my decision to indulge in dairy products affected our entire family (and most likely our entire neighborhood... this kid can cry!!!), we have the choice to have a positive OR negative effect on those around us.

The places we go, the things we do, the things we SAY (we often forget that one), the things we consume... all leave an impact.


Yes, we most certainly do. And that beautiful freedom granted by God Almighty releases us from the ties that sin HAD (past tense) on us... so you and I can't blame the Devil for any stupid decisions we FREELY make in our lives.

So from now on I will be paying close attention to everything that goes in to my body and pray that this very long night might remind me to be someone who draws others TO Christ (not away...) through my words and deeds too.

Praying my food choices might help you remember too :)

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