Darkness and light.
Pizza and anchovies.
Freshly brushed teeth and orange juice.
Flying cockroaches and breastfeeding.
Yeh... I wasn't aware of that one either until this last Friday.
It had been a fantastic night! A friend had said she would watch Josiah while I attended youth group and so for a couple hours (while Jos was fasssst asleep) I got to see our young people, play games (that was a little risky when my head came close to going through the wall, lol), sing songs and even stay for the message.
A great night overall!
Of course, being a newborn, after a few hours away from his momma Josiah was READY for dinner once we got home. So as Robersy brought everything up from the truck, I fed Josiah.
That's when everything went wrong. It all happened so fast that it felt like a blur. A dark, cynical blur.
I saw the cockroach fly in like a bat out of Hell. I thought it might be a moth since I've seen a number of those, but when it landed I let out a blood curdling scream!
Bermudians... you know how it is. On an island where the flying cockroach is basically our national bird, and where most people travel around on a moped for transportation, you can only imagine how many accidents have occurred over one of these monsters in your helmet, down your shirt or yes... in your mouth.
I have done many things while feeding my son. I felt I should have received a trophy for eating a hamburger with one hand and balancing Josiah in the other! However this encounter reached another level.
I have never jumped so high in my life... while trying not to startle (or drop) a nursing baby.
"Roberssssyyyyy!!!" Fear gripped my heart.
(SIDE NOTE: I wonder why God didn't use cockroaches as one of the plagues. I feel like it would have been a sure thing and Pharaoh would have sent the Israelites on their way in no time!)
Robersy came running up the stairs. My handsome, dark knight :) But his burly protective face faded when he spotted the enemy. "Seriously Sarah?!"
"KILL IT!!!"
With no urgency whatsoever Robersy found the little demon and sent him where he belongs, but for the rest of the night (even once Josiah had been tucked in to his bed) I couldn't help but look around. What if Mr. Cockroach had a friend? What if he squeaked for back-up with his dying breath?
I find that I react in the same way when I am attacked by someone, face trials or fail at something. I stand waiting for the next hit, the next trial, the next failure.
Discouraged. Angry. Hurt. AFRAID.
As I've mentioned before, as Believers, we have been guaranteed hardships and tribulation. We signed up for it. But in John 16:33 we are reminded,"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."
"...so that IN ME you may have peace."
We search for refuge and help and shelter in several places... but peace comes from One Source alone. His name is Jesus.
It's been an honor to serve this Source of peace this week. We continue to watch Him work!
The teens have been busily preparing for Youth Sunday this week where the music and testimonies will be led by our young people and the message, that Robersy is preparing to deliver, is geared to challenge the church... both young and old.
Robersy also started a small teen Bible study (after the kids had asked us for more activities) on Wednesday. Hoping that this study might better prepare the young people in our church for serving in different ministries and/or simply growing in their walk with the LORD.
Friday, like I mentioned, was good to be back with the teens. Our Pastor Nate had some wild and crazy games prepared (still trying to find someone with photos) and fellow missionary Felipe brought the message.
On Saturday we celebrated the Independence of this beautiful country. Robersy took some of the GAP students to enjoy the parade while I chose a quieter alternative and spent some time with a friend :)
This week I hope to get back to the streets! Although I'm dipping my toes ever so slowly back in to ministry, I am truly looking forward to getting back to these precious women. Often rejected by the world and condemned to Hell by most, I trust we'll be able to offer hope and see some of these ladies come to repentance and begin a new relationship with God himself.
We appreciate your prayers as we continue to do as God has called us to do. And as always, please let us know how we can be praying for you!!!