Monday, January 18, 2016

Talking to animals and the naughty fig tree.

I talk to my dogs.

There I said it.

It's true!

They know when I'm upset or discouraged, many times I share praises and exciting things that happen in my life. 

Chiquita in particular was adopted during a VERY difficult time in my life and poor thing got an ear full as I battled with some pretty dark feelings regarding life, love and ministry. Although she never said a word, she cuddled me as I cried, ran with me when I tried to release the stress, she was always there when I felt like no one else was or could understand me. My sweet girl :)

On my recent trip home I actually found a picture frame that describes our relationship perfectly, "Who rescued who?" God used my dog - even when I couldn't find the strength to talk to God Himself. 

However, I'll admit... there are some times that I talk to my dogs, random stray dogs and even the piglets next door so I won't be considered crazy for talking to myself. lol.
I know the "non-pet people" are shaking their heads right now. HAHA!

But this morning I laughed as I did my devotional. The book of Mark records Jesus talking to a tree! See I'm not so crazy after all :)

But what a beautiful lesson. Mark 11:12-14

"When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. And he said to it, 'May no one ever eat fruit from you again.' And his disciples heard it."

Uhhhh! Poor Figgy!
Can you imagine his embarrassment? 
(Hey, Jesus talked to him... let me give him a personality!)

The God of all Creation walks up to him for a snack, and he wasn't ready. Poor fig tree didn't know He was coming! If he had known surely he would have prepared!!!

Of course as the chapter continues we see Jesus teach a lesson of faith as they return and see the fig tree all withered up and dead. (v.20-26)

But God stirred my heart in regards to my walk with Him.

Am I ready at all times? 

I want God to find me ready and serving and growing and learning all the time! I want Him to find me faithful and fruitful. I want to give Him my everything and not be found empty when we finally meet face to face.

Not just on Sundays. Or Wednesdays. But every day. 

Does this mean I can't rest? Heavens NO! Even Jesus took time to rest. But don't waste your life thinking you're "living it up" with the world... when at the end of the day, you're just a fruitless tree. 

It's 2016 friend. Get out there and do something great for the Lord!


It's been a great week for us here in the DR.

Baby Josiah is NOT here yet :( But we're excited and ready! Someone does arrive today though, MY SISTER!!! Wooohooooo. Thankful to my brother-in-law for letting me borrow her for the next few weeks. Praying Josiah comes soon so she can cuddle him lots before we meet again :)

Robersy said goodbye to his group from last week and got down to business with the believers on his team. They've started up discipleship again and are putting in to practice what they are learning.

In BIG NEWS Robersy, Josiah and I have been invited to Atlanta in July with 10 of his youngest baseball players. Robersy was asked to chose 10 of his most faithful players and they will play against/with teams in the Atlanta area linked with Parkway Baptist. We are excited for the opportunities that lay ahead this year. Pray that things will go well with the boy's documents and that this can be a very successful trip!

This week I finished up at the Lily House for the time being. I'll be popping in and out until baby comes, but I hope to be back as soon as I can. Thankfully Lily House is gaining a new missionary (Karleigh Jenko) today so timing works well, but be praying for her too. It's definitely not easy leaving home, even when you know God has called you to serve overseas.

Street ministry went well on Thursday. Although I wasn't able to be there, I was able to communicate with some of the girls via WhatsApp while I was at home and my ministry partner was able to get tracts in to several girl's hands and visit a few girls too. Pray for Mieke and Marcia as they continue to have an impact in the Boca Chica area. I'll get back there as soon as I can too :)

We appreciate your prayers as we wait for the arrival of our little one. Continue to pray as we learn to balance baby and ministry and of course take the time to rest... when we can. 

God Bless and HAPPY MONDAY!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Coffee-catching baby bumps and phone-catching puddles

Have you ever watched something happen and it felt like it was occurring in slow motion? 

That was my Sunday. Goodness me. After hardly sleeping the night before and just trying to get out of the door in time, we hopped in the car and Robersy asked me to pray for our drive to church and for the service. I gave him a little glare that I hoped read, "I'm too tired to talk to Jesus." He smiled and said, "Go ahead..."

"God. I need you today. Amen."

My most sincere prayer. Ever. LOL.

Little did I know, God would teach me something through the very words He placed on my lips.

After dropping Robersy at music practice I bee-lined it for SCORE. Surely they'd have coffee. 

Sidenote: I have been pretty good at avoiding caffeinated beverages during my pregnancy, however, there are SOME DAYS that a woman, who is growing a human being, needs some extra assistance. 

I enjoyed sitting with a few bus drivers at breakfast. They took bets on whether I was having twins or triplets while I quietly ate my pancake. 

After finishing up, Anna (a good friend and fellow missionary) and I started the walk over to the church. I just needed to grab my Bible from the truck. Balancing my coffee, 2 bananas (requested by Robersy) and my phone while opening the door... it all went down hill. There went the phone. In to the ONLY puddle in sight. Then the coffee went shortly after.

"God. I RRREEEAAALLLLLYYYYY need you today. Amen."

Thankfully the circumstances didn't get me down (Anna is my witness!). Not sure if it was the coffee in my system or the Holy Spirit within me, but it was just another reminder that I need HIM. 

This morning during Robersy and my "Monday Morning Prayer Time" we got chatting about our need for the Lord EVERY day! Good days, bad days, sunny days, rainy days. We are reminded of the verse that Pastor Nate shared briefly yesterday found in 2 Corinthians 12:9. "But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

The Spirit stirred my heart to jot a note beside the verse "When we doubt His promises, we doubt who He is."

If He says His grace is sufficient. THEN IT IS SUFFICIENT!
If He says He will give us a way of escape from temptation. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OF ESCAPE! (1 Cor.10:13)
If He says He will never give us more than we can handle. HE WILL NEVER GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE. (Also, 1 Cor. 10:13)

How do I know? Because I know God is who He says He is... and if I doubt what He says, I doubt who He is.

This week God showed us our need for Him over and over again. In the good and bad.

God worked through Robersy on the baseball field. Preaching, playing and fellowshipping with Dominican and American college aged boys for His glory!

God allowed me to encourage, teach and talk with girls at the Lily House AND encourage others that I've met on the street using WhatsApp (this has become one of my favorite and most useful ministry tools, by the way!).

Although I wasn't able to go out this Thursday, my ministry partner did! She was able to meet up with some ladies and share Christ with them.

Robersy and I were blessed and encouraged throughout the week by groups, fellow missionaries, students and even some of you through your messages and posts. 

We were able to get some things we still needed for Josiah this weekend and today at our appointment the doctor says he's still doing well! Strong heartbeat and almost ready to be here. Countdown is still on (and Robersy still hasn't gotten the hang of the advent calendar... oh well! More for me! HAHA!).

Friends, may our daily prayer be, "God. I need you." because in the good, bad, phone-falling, coffee-spilling, sunny AND rainy days may we admit that we can't do this crazy life without Him. AMEN?!

Monday, January 4, 2016

It's the final countdown!!!

A drummer in short shorts and several men with perms is not what I was expecting when I opened the official music video to the song that has been going through my head over the last few days. Oh 1980's... what were you thinking?! LOL.

Even so, I've been humming away "It's the final countdown!!!" because here we are in January. And January means fresh start, new opportunities AND baby time! AH! Exciting... and very scary. However, since it's fun looking forward to life-altering events, apparently, we're using our Christmas advent calendars for "the final countdooooown."

Robersy hasn't been good at advent calendars since we started dating (could be because he didn't know they existed before hand...) so I'm still in the process of teaching him, by eating his chocolates until he notices. Of course, I am a beast on my own countdown.

I just get excited looking forward to things ahead.

Still, looking back is fun too!

I can hardly believe that 2015 is already behind us. 

Over the past few weeks I've looked back at previous blogs from this year. 

I get teared up reading about the women who have come in to our path. We've seen their struggles and challenges. Heartache and growth. One particular woman I shared about last May when we "cheered" with our honey bottles has gone through a tough time as, several months later, her daughter jumped off a balcony in a fit of rage. Thankfully the teen survived... but she may never be the same physically or mentally. P confesses that she finally understands the value of life and death, but is still torn about making a decision for Christ.

Thinking about the kid that fell out the truck, my trip to Santiago, being chased by a crazy person, falling on the beach, camp, saying "Hello!" to new friends and saying "See you later!" to others... it has been a memorable year.

Things from this past year often teach us, impact us and encourage us for all to come in the new year.
For example, yesterday I was able to chat with an intern that is back to serve with SCORE. She says the reason that she came back was based on the impact that a teen from Lily House had on her life last summer! Wow! Impact made and new opportunities are here!

During the church service on Sunday Robersy did an amazing job allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through him. My heart was moved by the message from Colossians, but one point in particular that he made has really urged me to think. 

After singing "God of this City" Robersy made this point. "God IS doing great things in this city! But my question to you is, are you are willing and prepared to be a part of His great plan?"

I think we'd all say... YES! I am willing to be a part of His plan!!! 

But what if that plan involved tears and heartache and failure to bring us closer to Himself?
Still willing?

And preparation? Am I truly PREPARED? Am I spending time in His Word and on my knees seeking a closer walk with Him?

I know that is my prayer for this year. That day by day my heart might grow to be more like HIS. That I might crave Him and seek Him and that others might be drawn to Him through my life and testimony.

Allow the challenges of last year to urge you to press on in 2016. Didn't finish that Bible reading plan? Slacked in church attendance? Feeling a little distant from your Savior?

Today is a new day.
New year.
Fresh start.

And believe me, each minute is one minute closer to Christ's return so we can all sing together "It's the final countdooooown!"