This last week I took a block puzzle for my study at LH. The huffs and puffs came as they couldn't figure out the big picture. Cow's tails on ducks and horse's heads on sheep. It didn't make sense!
I began to think about my devotional that morning. Jacob and Esau. Let me tell you, that is one of the most frustrating stories.
Isaac, in his old age, asks his first born son, Esau, to run and make his favorite stew so that he can bless him before he dies.
Well, sneaky wifey Rebekah is listening behind the door and sends her favorite, Jacob, to do it before Esau gets back so he can get the blessing instead. Jacob seems a little hesitant, but Rebekah ensures the curse be upon her if necessary then tells him to get a move on!
With his dim eyes Isaac accepts the stew from Jacob, assuming it was Esau, after smelling him (he was wearing Esau's dirty laundry) and feeling his arms (Esau was a hairy young soul, lol). There he gives his special final blessing to his conniving son.
Minutes later, Esau enters with his stew and pumped to get his blessing! His heart drops to hear his dad confess he gave the blessing already and Esau literally begs his daddy to bless him too.
I can hear the disappointment in Isaac's voice. The deep sobs shake Esau's whole body as he sits at his dad's feet. "Whhhhyyyy dad?!"
Echoed in his tears I hear the cry of our Saviour on the cross. "Daaaaddd!!!???" (eloi eloi lama sabacthani - "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me.")
Jesus. 100% man while still 100% God. HE healed sick, blind, lame... sat with drunkards, prostitutes and the other rejects of society. HE loved the unloveable... of which I am one. And they took HIM and beat HIM and mocked HIM. Then nailed HIM to a cross, set aside for the most vile criminals.
I'm sure as the women and others sat beneath the crimson tree begged for answers.
"This can NOT be happening."
This question arises in my own heart too. Situations that come about and I'm left begging my "Daddy" to show me HIS plan.
"What are you doing?!"
If your passing a time as we are, I bet you have a whole lot of unanswered questions. "This doesn't make sense." "Why would God allow this to happen?" "Why does God punish the faithful ones?"
HIS thoughts are not our thoughts nor our ways HIS ways. (Isaiah 55:8). It may be that we never understand HIS hand in our life or that HIS answers comes waaayyyyyy down the road.
GOD does not owe us answers, but this I know is true, "Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..." Prov. 3:5
Be strong. HE's "got" you, my friend.
It's been a busy week here in the DR.
We said "See you later!" to the GAP students that have been studying here for 9 months. It was particularly hard for Josiah who had to say "Adios" to his best friend, Matt :( Be praying for the students as they adjust to life back "home" and for their futures as they use what they have learned here for God's glory!
No we did NOT get a cat... however, Josiah still loves animals and welcomes most in to our home. Dogs, cats, horses, lizards, spiders, etc.
He loves going to nursery each morning of the week and we've had plenty of pool time on the weekends as the summer heat sneaks up on us.
His language (in both English and Spanish) has improved tremendously in the last month or so... but we're still working on potty training :)
We got some "girl time" with some our youth out in the big city, while Robersy took a few of his boys to see a movie. I'm proud of the growth in these young ladies and blessed to see them doing great things for the Lord.
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You may remember this photo a few months ago after a group left a sizeable donation to get this home built for some friends in Boca Chica. Well, we stopped by on Monday... check it out in the photo below.
Don't ever under estimate the impact left through mission trips, offerings, prayer, etc.
Great things HE has done.
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