Tuesday, April 18, 2017


It was a serious family debate!

One that could ultimately divide the Laras and cause friction in the home for the rest of our time here on earth!

It all started with a book called "Down on the Farm." 

We had our evening routine. Josiah had been bathed, ran around the house in his towel, finally got his diaper on before he could pee on the floor, pajamas were put on and we settled down to read a book before bed.

"Down on the farm, the dog says, Woof Woof."

"Guau Guau!" Robersy yelled from the living room.


"Down on the farm, the chick says, Peep Peep"

"Pio, Pio!"


"Down on the farm, the cow says, Moooooo!"


"Does the cow also say Moo in Spanish, Robersy?"

HA-HA! I love the cultures that are represented in our home and love that Josiah will grow up loving two beautiful languages, people and countries. Still, animal noises will forever divide us ;)

There is a sound, however, that we both agree on. The baby does NOT say "GA-GA."

The haunting sounds of the GA-GA (a style of music and worship for the Satanic community) filled our home Thursday and Friday as Satanic Haitians and Dominicans celebrated the death of JESUS. The trumpet and drums played all night long in the constant rhythm, a sound of victory... but were silenced on Sunday. Rightfully so!

You see... 

Check the evidence, research the facts... the tomb was EMPTY! 

As we celebrated on Sunday my heart swelled as we sang,

Not a word was heard at the tomb that day
Just shuffling soldiers' feet as they guarded the grave
One day, two days, three days had past
Could it be that Jesus breathed His last?
Could it be that His Father had forsaken Him?
Turned His back on His son, despising our sin
All hell seemed to whisper, "just forget Him, He's dead"
Then the Father looked down to His Son and He said...

Arise, My love, arise, My love
The grave no longer has a hold on you
No more death's sting, no more suffering
Arise, arise, my love!

The Earth trembled and the tomb began to shake
and like lightening From Heaven, the stone was rolled away
And as dead man, the guards they all stood there in fright
As the power of love displayed its might
Then suddenly a melody filled the air
Riding wings of wind, it was everywhere
The words all creation had been longing to hear
The sweet sound of victory, so loud and clear

Arise, My love, arise, My love
The grave no longer has a hold on you
No more death's sting, no more suffering
Arise, arise...

You see, sweet Believer, we have reason to celebrate EVERY day because in HIM there is life eternal. In HIM there is a reason to carry on! 

If you don't know HIM, get to know HIM!!!
You will not be sorry.

Sweet beans - a tradition here at Easter.
Went to watch the sunrise on Easter morning

Josiah LOVED it!

Trip to the zoo with some GAP kids and friends!

Trip turned "eventful" when our truck broke down... again!
Keep praying for the funds for a new vehicle.
My boy is growing up!

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