Monday, April 27, 2015

Does God read my blogs?! :)

“I need to talk… and since I assume I’ll never see you again, you’re perfect.”

This was the beginning of a VERY interesting conversation with a VERY interesting man.

Running away from his divorce, rebellious children, job and basically his “reality” he travels around to places where he doesn't know anyone. Boca Chica was this month’s choice. 

I wasn't surprised to hear this. We have hundreds of men from all over the world that come to “escape.”

“But I have needs. I’m lonely. I’m frustrated. I just needed to get away. But now I fear she might be pregnant.”

He continued his in-depth description of his escapades with a young lady who was “most definitely not a street lady. She was sitting at a table outside of a restaurant waiting for a friend.”

It seemed to click when I asked if the friend ever showed up… there was no friend.

It saddened my heart to hear his struggle, anger, hurt and fear but as he spoke, the precious faces of the girls we meet each week ran through my mind. I just listened.

Until he asked, “What did you say you do again?”

:)      (I actually thought… Are you suuuuuuure you want to know! … Lol)

I smiled. “I pick up the broken pieces of the girls you leave behind.”

I began to explain that pregnancy was the least of his worries. Sexually transmitted diseases, emotional/physical/spiritual scarring, an eternity in hell to name a few.

God allowed me to share Christ with this hurting man… but I really struggled telling him that what he was doing was wrong.

SINNERS SIN! That’s what they do! They are professionals!!! Ethically, physically, mentally, LEGALLY his actions are WRONG! But spiritually… there is no repentance.

THANK GOD ALMIGHTY that the HOLY SPIRIT shut me up and CHRIST ALONE did the talking.

I don’t fully know why God sent me to run with that man. Perhaps to prick his conscience or make him stop and think. But I know that the Holy Spirit touched my heart.

Remember last week I shared about “stalking” others and hearing their stories. Well… I think God reads my blogs :) I believe God wanted me to hear a story, not from the hurting women or the trafficked teenagers, but from the depths of a broken, hurting and sinful soul.
So this week I am asking God to help me love the tough ones. People who don’t deserve to be loved.

SAUL that we yells at us on Thursday nights.

Boca Chica’s crazy woman who chases us from time to time.

The perverts that whistle.

The people who cut us off in traffic.

The police man who pulls us over for nothing.

The workmate that snaps at us.

The boss that chews us out

The child who has a temper tantrum.

Because… “GOD shows HIS love for us in that while we were STILL sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

HE loved me while I wasn't worth loving. LORD, help me to love them too.

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