Whoever said being a missionary is boring LIED! Seriously, they did.
Tough? Yes!
Scary? Sometimes!
Busy? It is not 9-5, it is 24/7!
But boring? NEVER.
I have had some pretty awesome experiences during my years as a missionary, I have met some amazing people, and have done some pretty cool (and sometimes borderline dangerous/stupid) things too. God knew what He was doing when He called me to this line of "work" because seriously, I love it.
Last week alone I traveled from Boca Chica to Bani (1.5hrs), slept in Bani, drove to San Fransisco (2.5 hours), then to Boca Chica (2hrs). Next day I went with the Pasitos girls from Boca Chica to Punta Cana (3hrs) and back again (3hrs). Then on Saturday we went to Bayibe (2hrs) and back (2hrs). A total of 16hrs in a truck or bus experiencing God's incredible creation!
So there are a few things I'm extra thankful for...
1. I don't usually get car sick. Sea sick, yes, once... craziest adventure of my life to an island with a group until 2 storms collided in the ocean and we were tossed to and fro! Seriously thought I was going to die, but more upset that I barfed up my awesome buffet lunch. lol.
2. I have extra padding on my derriere for comfortable adventures all over the place, haha! (my mom's gonna shake her head after reading that one, lol! I make her proud! haha!)
I remember hearing friends in college say,
"Get a job that pays well!"
"I don't care if I have to sit in an office for hours, as long as I'm rich."
"I'm gonna be a lawyer/doctor/etc. so I can be rich."
And here I am. Poor, but HAPPY!
I get opportunities to lead people to Christ, teach new believers and encourage fellow Christians. I walk the streets/beaches and show prostitutes what true love is and that it flows freely from our Savior. My husband pours his life in to young boys and shows them how to use their love for baseball for the glory of God! Together we teach, train and guide young people to live their faith out loud. And with our team we just HAVE FUN!
Just this past Saturday, like I said, we went to Bayibe. I went with a bunch of GAP students, their director and fellow missionaries... just to play in God's creation. We zip lined, kayaked, laughed and talked. I wish I could show you pictures from our trip... but guess whose camera wasn't charged?! :) Here is one I stole from a friend.
This isn't a post to brag. If you're sitting in an office and are happy... GOOD! As long as you're happy. But my message is seriously to do what God has called you to do. If that is a lawyer or doctor, do it with all of your heart! If God has called you to an office job, glorify His name. But if God has called you to be a missionary and you're holding back because it doesn't pay enough... trust Him and do it! You won't regret it :) The benefits are totally out of this world!
I don't know why I'm writing this, it's just been on my heart alot lately. Maybe you're contemplating sending your child on a mission trip, but hesitating just in case God's calls them to the mission field. Just do it! Maybe you, yourself wants to see what it's like, but don't want to commit to full-time missions. It's ok! We need short term missionaries too!
If you want or need any information about some great missions trips let me know. SCORE is linked with sports, medical, feeding villages, etc. but I can tell you about tons of other ministries too! Not everyone is called to full-time missions... but the Great Commission is for everyone. So whether at home or abroad, get serious and BE HAPPY!