Monday, October 21, 2013


This week has been a week like no other!

I moved in to the Embassy hotel a week ago and enjoyed 4 AMAZING days of ministering and being ministered to! Ginger Millermon came and encouraged us through song and message during the evenings, while the days were filled with home visits and ministry to Dominican women.

It became clear, though, that God had called my group to minister in a whole other way. One home we visited had a hurting mother. Guilt and shame plagued her heart since she believes he child’s actions are a result of her “old life.” His actions also affected another family… so then we had 2 hurting mothers.

By the end of the week our dear friends, Giovanny and Carolina Valdez, lost their PRECIOUS little 1yr old girl… and then there were 3 hurting mothers.

During the conference I was given a monologue to memorize with Carolina. This week it has brought on a whole new meaning.

Talking about how Dominican and non-Dominican women are really the same it says this…

“We ALL are weak vessels who question, worry, bleed, sweat & cry when hardship knocks at our families’ door. We are still women who experience the loss of a child, rejection of a friend, the death of a loved one, financial ruin, a wayward teen, and fear & insecurity when doctors give us the results.”

Doubt and insecurities have crossed my mind while ministering to Dominican women… but the truth is that we are really the same. Minister in that manner.

I’m sorry to be short this week, but I am absolutely physically and emotionally drained.

Prayers appreciated for these 3 hurting mothers… and their families. God is still on His throne. He knew this was all going to happen. We just need to trust that He has an awesome plan despite our heartache.

Praises… since there are always bright spots

1.       An AMAZING conference  with time to reflect on God’s precious Word!

2.       Pumpkin spice coffee from Nina, brought by her momma! THANK YOU!!!

3.       Robersy is still celebrating his birthday. Thank you for all the cards, messages and gifts!

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