Tuesday, January 24, 2017


This blog has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with politics.

Isn't that refreshing...

My head has been spinning as I scroll down my FB news-feed. Saddened by hateful, bitter comments by those who claim to put their trust in God Almighty. Just puts a damper on things, ya know?!

So friend. Breathe. You are in a political safe-zone :) 

Meeting friends on the beach.

This week became a little busier than expected as we eased in "slowly" to the ministries that God has allowed us to be a part of. Robersy met with his boys and I enjoyed some meetings with my girls as we evaluated how to take on the new year. Where do the kids need to grow, what are they struggling with, what do they want to accomplish, etc.

It's been exciting! 

Then our friend from Puerto Rico came down for a couple of conferences and stayed at our home. It was lovely to show him around and catch up on life. As a former major league player I guess baseball runs in his veins so we had the opportunity to meet his nephew who coaches at one of the major league academies near our home.
Eating underground at Meson de la Cava

It was pretty cool to hear about games and trips and opportunities that have been allotted to this player turned coach. We talked about baseball, obviously, and even asked what things he had experienced during his time coaching here in the DR. Turns out, the majority of the time is spent in the academy.

To be a professional coach or player there is serious sacrifice. Many hours are spent in the gym, on the field, playing, stretching, running, throwing...
the rewards aren't reaped until YEARS of much work and sweat have passed.

New friend at the baseball field.

I don't think it's coincidence that I've been in the book of Numbers during my devotions lately. 

At first we focused on the Levites. The Levites were the tribe of Israel set apart for service in the tabernacle.

I'll tell you the truth. At first I actually wrote in the comment section of my Quiet Time Diary "Poor Levites!" Knowing that they were chosen, set apart and given the responsibility of taking care of God's dwelling place! Only a few days later I found myself writing, "LUCKY LEVITES!" 

To be chosen and set apart with a beautiful purpose! WHAT AN HONOUR!!!

Then I've been looking at the Nazarites. A voluntary (except for 2 examples we find in Scripture) commitment (for a specific period of time) to God to abstain from alcohol/fruit of the vine, touching dead bodies and having a hair cut in order to be used for service.

Set apart. 

I understand that a baseball player or coach is not comparable to the holy promise to God Almighty, but it gave me a visual (I'm a very visual learner) to the call that both the Levites and Nazarites had been given.

Years of service and "missing out" only to reap great reward. For the players and coaches it would be much worldly reward. But for those holy and set-apart for God's service... a part in His inheritance and comparison to the likeness of His Son! What an HONOR!!! What an incredible honor.

We as Christians may not have the particular call of a Nazarite or be part of the tribe of Levi, yet God has called us apart to be called to His holy service, to be a light to the world, to lead the lost to Him. It involves much sacrifice and years of hard work and "missing out" yet the benefits are totally worth it. 

Some of those "benefits" unfold as we see people come to Christ, those gone astray return to the Lord and young people growing in their faith. 

Of course... the benefits do not come without blood, sweat and tears. Many tears. 

And here is where the team/tribe/family comes in. We're all going to face times where the call to be set-apart becomes difficult and work can seem unbearable. Perhaps the tears come often and the "prize" seems too far off. May we come along side one another to encourage and lift up our team mates. Aren't we all in this together?

So, to the 
take heart.

1 Corinthians 15:58, " Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

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