Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sine Cera - Without wax

Sine cera – “without wax”

To tell you the truth, Spanish is hard enough to learn. After living here off and on since 2009 I still do not have the language down, so you won’t see me trying to learn a new language any time soon.

HOWEVER, I love to use my Wiersbe Bible Commentary (thanks Carter!) when I’m doing my devotions in the morning. It helps understand the words originally used in scripture and then explains content in a way my simple mind can understand :)

This morning I was studying 1 John 2:1-6 which is more than enough verses since it is SO full of such good stuff! You could literally spend hours meditating on this small passage. But Wiersbe used a beautiful description to help me understand the word “sincere.”

“It seems that in Roman days, some sculptors covered up their mistakes by filling the defects in their marble statutes with wax, which was not readily visible – until the statue had been exposed to the hot sun awhile. But more dependable sculptors made certain their customers knew that the statues they sold were sine cera – without wax.”

“Sincera” – Spanish for sincere.

Do you see it? That’s where our word “sincere” stems from.

In our own lives, the heat of tough circumstances, frustrations, difficult co-workers, unforeseen expenses, etc. etc. ETC. quickly melt away the wax. Soon enough the real me, with all my cracks and weaknesses WILL be seen.

Question is… will I hold together?

To tell you the truth. The last few weeks have not been easy.

If you’re not on my Facebook you may not have heard, but two Fridays ago Robersy and a friend went to go pick up our youth group kids as they always do. Robersy drove our Pastor’s truck and a friend drove ours. Since our Pastor’s truck kept stalling Robersy stopped to check it out and sent our friend on to pick up a load while Robersy figured out what was going on.

Not long after we received a call to inform us that there had been an accident.

To be honest. We still aren’t sure exactly what happened. We know from the driver that something didn’t feel right and before he knew it they swerved off the road, down a slope, through a wall and into a hotel parking lot!

No tires exploded. Even driving on a spare.

No one knows what happened.

It was an accident.


An accident.

But remember… there were a bunch of kids in the back.

NOBODY got thrown out of the back of the truck.

Contrary to rumors, NO ONE went through the back windshield (a kid’s head hit it, and shattered it, but he only got 5 stiches. He did not go through.)

Only two kids needed stitches, 3 kids and the driver needed x-rays and 1 kid got a cast.


Just so you see the result of the Sovereign hand of ALMIGHTY GOD here are a few photos.


Honestly, when we got there that night, the kids were sobbing (scared, not hurt) but we were all asking ourselves, how in the world everyone survived.


That’s the only answer!


And we are eternally grateful. As are the driver and parents of each one of these children.

But can I be “sine cera” with you?

Medical bills and a wrecked truck were unexpected frustrations for us.

Leaving earlier everywhere we go, carpooling, catching the bus are extra frustrations for us – especially with a 9-month-old.

THEN, as if that weren’t enough… both Robersy and Josiah have had some health issues come up. More unexpected frustrations.

And ministry never stops, so we had a full week of long days and late nights during Baseball Week as well as other responsibilities.

……. And the sun beams down on our statute forms. Melting the wax away. Exposing our weaknesses and vulnerabilities. With Satan rubbing his filthy hands on the sidelines wondering, “Will they hold together?”

I will tell you the truth.

I am not Superwoman. I have cried and worried.

And though he is handsome and would look amazing in tights (HAHA), Robersy is not Superman.

But we do serve a SUPER GOD!

The ONE who has promised HE’ll never forsake us.

The ONE who has promised to provide.

The ONE who brings rest to the weary.




And those cracks, once filled with wax that has melted away must be filled with TRUTH! Because GOD’S TRUTH is what stands strong amidst difficult circumstances.

I have been blessed to hear TRUTH this past week amongst the “busyness” of Baseball week. I have been blessed to hear TRUTH through a group of homeschoolers and women as they served our local missionaries. I have been blessed to hear TRUTH through the study of God’s Word in preparation for Bible studies and discipleship. I have been blessed to hear TRUTH seated at God’s feet.

I don’t know what you’re passing through. Financial burdens, health issues, Spiritual warfare, doubts, unexpected inconveniences…

Whatever it is that is slowly melting the wax away to reveal to most vulnerable and naked you, speak TRUTH. For it is TRUTH that holds us together.

But what is truth? Better... WHO is TRUTH?

Well, why don’t you check that your for yourself :) JOHN 14:6

If you go and look up those verses you deserve to see 4 bonus photos from my birthday lunch and a girl's day with some youth group girls. ENJOY!!! 

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